| CONSENT ITEMS (Including Minutes)
The following are Routine and May be Acted Upon by One Motion. Any Member of Council or the Audience Requesting Separate Consideration May do so by Making Such Request Before Motion is Proposed.
| a.
| City Clerk, re: Minutes of the Special City Council, Regular City Council, and Joint City Council and Housing Authority Meetings of May 23, 2023
| b.
| Public Works, re: Distributed Drywell Installation Project
- Resolution adopting the Plans and Specification for the Distributed Drywell Installation Project, Specification No. 3920, Plan Nos. 4-646 and 118-113; and directing the City Clerk to advertise for bids
| c.
| Glendale Water and Power, re: Professional Services Agreement with SurePower Consulting, LLC for Specialized Technical Staff Augmentation for Glendale Water and Power
- Motion authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with SurePower Consulting, LLC, for a term of three years, to provide Specialized Technical Staff Augmentation to the Glendale Water and Power Utility Business Systems Section in an amount not to exceed $496,200 per year, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $1,488,600, with an option to renew the agreement for two additional one-year terms in a not to exceed amount of $496,200 per renewal year
| d.
| Glendale Water and Power, re: Amendment to the City’s Existing Contract with OSIsoft, LLC, and Execute a New Professional Services Agreement with PowerRunner, LLC
- Motion authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute Amendment No. 5 to the City’s existing Software and License Agreement (Contract No. C105118B) with OSIsoft, LLC, to include the one-time installation and purchase of the PowerRunner Energy Platform software license in the amount of $90,000 including two years of support and maintenance in the amount of $15,880 for the first year, and $18,000 for the second year for a total not-to-exceed amount of $123,880, and authorizing further amendments thereafter, for the life of the software, if the funds for the continued maintenance, support, upgrades and licensing of the software are budgeted within the Glendale Water and Power Electric Work Revenue Fund and approved by City Council as part of the annual citywide budget process
- Motion authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a Professional Services Agreement with PowerRunner, LLC to implement and configure the PowerRunner Energy Platform software in an amount not to exceed $64,487
| e.
| Community Development, re: Contract Amendment with Buro Happold Consulting Engineers, Inc. in the amount of $300,000 to include Vision Zero Action Plan Development
- Motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a contract amendment with Buro Happold Consulting Engineers, Inc. to add $300,000, for new not-to-exceed amount of $550,000 and include Vision Zero Action Plan Development within their Scope of Work
| f.
| Fire Department, re: Fire Department annual presentation of the status of state mandated fire inspections
- Resolution recognizing the Glendale Fire Department’s level of compliance with California Health and Safety Code Sections 13146.2 and 13146.3