| CONSENT ITEMS (Including Minutes)
The following are Routine and May be Acted Upon by One Motion. Any Member of Council or the Audience Requesting Separate Consideration May do so by Making Such Request Before Motion is Proposed.
| a.
| City Clerk, re: Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting of January 15, 2025
| b.
| Community Development, re: Use of City Days at the Alex Theatre: Star Productions presentation of Gevorg Chakmanyan’s dedication to Armenian Folk Singer Ofelya Hambardzumyan’s 100-Year Anniversary
- Council motion to approve use of one of twelve annual City Days at the Alex Theatre for Star Productions presentation of Gevorg Chakmanyan’s dedication to Armenian Folk Singer Ofelya Hambardzumyan’s 100-Year Anniversary on April 3, 2025
| c.
| Community Development, re: Use of City Days at the Alex Theatre: Wild Honey Foundation / Zevon Estate
- Council motion to approve use of one of twelve annual City Days at the Alex Theatre for a celebration of the music of the legendary Los Angeles singer/songwriter Warren Zevon, presented by Wild Honey Foundation and Zevon Estate, on May 24, 2025
| d.
| Fire Department, re: Verdugo Fire Communications Center - Call Recording Software Expansion
- Motion authorizing the City Manager, or designee, to execute a contract between the City of Glendale and Dictation Sales & Service Inc., dba Equature, in the amount not to exceed of $158,604 with a contingency of $15,860 for the expansion and standardization for the City’s digital logging recording system and to procure related hardware, software, parts, maintenance, services, and upgrades for the life of the software
| e.
| Public Works, re: Adopt Motion Setting Date of the Hearing to Vacate the First Alley Easterly of Brand Boulevard, Northerly of Fairview Avenue (Alley 130)- Alley Vacation Case No. 188V
- Motion Authorizing the City Clerk to Set a Public Hearing for the Subject Alley Vacation
| f.
| Public Works, re: Award Professional Services Agreement (PSA) to Stearns, Conrad and Schmidt Engineers Inc, dba SCS Engineers (SCS Engineers), to conduct a study of the feasibility of opening the Scholl Canyon Landfill (SCLF) wasteshed, to prepare a CEQA Analysis in relation to opening the wasteshed, and to perform a cost analysis comparing the existing flexible membrane liner/geosynthetic clay liner composite cover to evapotranspirative cover systems
- Motion authorizing the City Manager, or his designee, to execute a PSA with SCS Engineers, to conduct a study of the feasibility of opening the SCLF wasteshed, to prepare a CEQA Analysis in relation to opening the wasteshed, and to perform a cost analysis comparing the existing flexible membrane liner/geosynthetic clay liner composite cover to evapotranspirative cover systems in the not-to-exceed amount of $142,500
| g.
| City Attorney, re: Request for Conflict of interest Waiver in Legal Representation by Holland & Hart LLP
- Motion Authorizing the City Attorney to Consent to the Southern California Public Power Authority’s Execution of a Conflict of Interest Waiver