Information Services Department, re: Professional Services Agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. for the purchase, implementation, software licensing and maintenance for the EnerGov Land Management System; Amendment with SDI Presence, LLC, for consulting services
1. Motion authorizing the Interim City Manager, or designee, to execute an agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $2,956,930 plus a contingency of up to $160,930 for the purchase, implementation, software licensing and maintenance of EnerGov, a Land Management software solution, for a period of five years; and to authorize the Purchasing Administrator to issue purchase orders for the continued maintenance, support, updates, upgrades, and licensing of the software for the life cycle of the product, as long as funds are appropriated in the ISD Application Fund for such purpose
2. Motion authorizing the Interim City Manager, or designee, to amend the City's existing Professional Service Agreement with SDI Presence, LLC in the amount not to exceed $402,480 plus a contingency of up to $80,496, to expand the scope of work to include project management and consulting services throughout the implementation of the Land Management System